% This is a configuration file for cytosim (www.cytosim.org) % Please, used it with the Open Source code available on: % http://www.github.com/nedelec/cytosim % % Simulation of nuclear dynamics in multinucleated hyphae of Ashbya gossypii % R. Gibeaux, A. Politi, F. Nedelec - 06/2012-08/2014 set simul Ashbya { time_step = 0.05 % 'viscosity=0.9' from Tolic-Norrelykke et al. 2004. viscosity = 0.9 steric = 1, 100 precondition = 0 display = ( back_color=dark_gray; inner_color=black; style=3; size=1280,256; ) steric_max_range = 1.5 flow = 0 0 0 } %%%% The hypha %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set space cell { geometry = (cylinderP 15 1.5) display = { color=black; } } new space cell %%%% Microtubules %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Values for MT dynamics in Ashbya gossypii from Grava and Philippsen MBoC 2010 21, 3680-3692 % Assumption that catastrophe rate = growing speed / average MT length % MT length obtained from raw data of Grava and Philippsen MBoC 2010 21, 3680-3692 % Fit on trucated exponential distribution, Fraile and Garcia-Ortega JoAM 2005 44, 1620-25 % Only MT between 1 to 20 um considered for fit as high number of very short MT observed by ET in Gibeaux et al. JCS 2012 set fiber microtubule { rigidity = 20 segmentation = 0.5 growing_force = 1.7 steric = 1, 0.025 confine = inside, 100 activity = classic growing_speed = 0.108, 0 shrinking_speed = -0.272 catastrophe_rate = 0.023 min_length = 0 display = ( plus_end=8,2; color=white; line=2.5; ) } %%%% Dynein %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set hand dynein { binding_rate = 5 unbinding_rate = 0.64 % 0.64 in King and Schroer, NCB 2000, 2 binding_range = 0.075 unbinding_force = 7 activity = motor % Unloaded speed ~ 0.05 um/s from Gennerich et al. Cell 2007, 131, 952-965 max_speed = -0.025 limit_speed = 1 hold_shrinking_end = 0 bind_also_end = 1 % 'stall_force=6 pN' from Shingyoji et al. Nature 1998, 393 % 'stall_force=7 pN' from Gennerich et al. Cell 2007, 131, 952-965 stall_force = 7 display = ( color=green; size=7; ) } set single dyneinNum1 { hand = dynein stiffness = 500 activity = fixed } %%%% Nucleus %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% set sphere nucleus { confine = all_inside, 100 point_mobility = 0.1 steric = 1 display = ( color=0x7700CCFF; style=3; ) } set hand nucleator { binding_rate = 10 binding_range = 0.05 unbinding_rate = 0 unbinding_force = 3 activity = nucleate nucleate = 1, microtubule, ( fiber_length=0.5 ) display = ( size=12; color=orange; ) specificity = none } set single handle { hand = nucleator stiffness = 500 } %%%% Congestion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Congestion data from Gibeaux et al. 2013 set bead mito { confine = all_inside, 100 steric = 1 display = ( color=0xFF993333 ; style=1; ) } set bead vacuole { confine = all_inside, 100 steric = 1 display = ( color=0x3399FF33 ; style=1; ) } %---------------------------------------- %----------- Simulation ----------------- %---------------------------------------- % Spacing between nuclei of 3-6 um, Fig1. Lang et al. MBoC 2010, 21, 753-766 new 5 sphere nucleus { radius = 0.7 point0 = surface, 3 handle } new 200 single dyneinNum1 { position = surface } % to be around 8.8% of the full volume new 550 bead mito { radius = 0.2 } % to be around 2.5% of the full volume new 50 bead vacuole { radius = 0.3 } %%%% Equilibrate & RUN %%%%%%%%%%%% run simul * { nb_steps = 6000 nb_frames = 0 } % Speed of flow 0.15 - 1.28 um/min from Table 1 Lang et al. 2010 MBoC, 21, 18-28 % Speed used for mutant comparison around 0.75 um/min in Grava and Philippsen 2010 MBoC 21, 3680-3692; Grava et al. 2011 EC, 10, 7, 902-915. % The flow should be slightly higher to compensate for brownian and set in um/s. change simul * { flow = 0.009 0 0 } run simul * { nb_steps = 6000 nb_frames = 0 } run simul * { nb_steps = 36000 nb_frames = 900 }