Global chromosome topology and the two-component systems in concerted manner regulate transcription in Streptomyces =================================================================================================================== * Martyna Gongerowska-Jac * Marcin J. Szafran * Jakub Mikołajczyk * Justyna Szymczak * Magda Bartyńska * Anna Gierlikowska * Sylwia Biały * Marie A. Elliot * Dagmara Jakimowicz ## ABSTRACT Bacterial gene expression is controlled at multiple levels, with chromosome supercoiling being one of the most global regulators. Global DNA supercoiling is maintained by the orchestrated action of topoisomerases. In *Streptomyces*, mycelial soil bacteria with a complex life cycle, topoisomerase I depletion led to elevated chromosome supercoiling, changed expression of significant fraction of genes, delayed growth and blocked sporulation. To identify supercoiling-induced sporulation regulators, we searched for *S. coelicolor* transposon mutants that were able to restore sporulation despite high chromosome supercoiling. We established that transposon insertion in genes encoding a novel two-component system named SatKR reversed the sporulation blockage resulting from topoisomerase I depletion. Transposition in *satKR* abolished the transcriptional induction of the genes within the so-called supercoiling-hypersensitive cluster (SHC). Moreover, we found that activated SatR also induced the same set of SHC genes under normal supercoiling conditions. We determined that the expression of genes in this region impacted *S. coelicolor* growth and sporulation. Interestingly, among the associated products is another two-component system (SitKR), indicating the potential for cascading regulatory effects driven by the SatKR and SitKR two-component systems. Thus, we demonstrated the concerted activity of chromosome supercoiling and a hierarchical two-component signalling system that impacts gene activity governing *Streptomyces* growth and sporulation. **IMPORTANCE** *Streptomyces*, soil bacteria with complex life cycle, are the producers of a broad range of biologically active compounds (e.g. antibiotics). *Streptomyces* respond to various environmental signals using complex transcriptional regulation mechanism. Understanding regulation of their gene expression is crucial for *Streptomyces* application as industrial organisms. Here, based on extensive transcriptomics analyses, we describe the concerted regulation of genes crucial for growth and development by global DNA supercoiling and novel two-component system. Our data indicate that regulated genes encode growth and sporulation regulator. Thus, we demonstrate that *Streptomyces* link the global regulatory strategies to adjusts life cycle to unfavourable conditions. ## INTRODUCTION In all organisms, gene expression is precisely controlled, primarily at the level of transcription initiation. The main transcriptional regulatory factors include promoter DNA sequences and trans-acting transcriptional regulators. Bacterial genomes encode numerous transcriptional regulators, among which the key players are DNA-binding proteins like sigma factors, which recruit RNA polymerase (RNAP) to promoters, and transcription factors (TFs), which may act as repressors or activators by affecting RNAP binding (1, 2). Notably, the binding of regulatory proteins in bacteria is in turn controlled by systems that adjust transcription in response to external and internal cell conditions. Examples include changes in chromosome topology to modify promoter accessibility to regulatory factors, as well as the modification of regulatory protein activity itself (3). The activity of specific sigma factors or regulatory proteins can be modulated through partner protein or ligand binding, as well as through proteolysis or covalent modifications like phosphorylation. The importance of phosphorylation has been well established for regulators that are a part of two-component systems (TCSs). Canonical TCSs consist of a transmembrane sensor histidine kinase (HK) and cytoplasmic response regulator (RR), which detects environmental signals and triggers intracellular responses, respectively (4). Upon signal sensing, the kinase in classical TCSs undergoes autophosphorylation and subsequently transfers the phosphate moiety to its cognate response regulator, which promotes DNA binding and transcriptional control of its target genes. While the regulatory targets and biological functions of many regulatory proteins have been well described (5), a plethora of them remain unexplored. One of the crucial factors influencing regulatory protein binding to DNA is chromosome topology, determined by chromosome supercoiling and nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs). The global chromosome topology of bacteria depends on growth phase and environmental conditions, and adjusts transcription in response to both extra- and intracellular conditions. Overall, bacterial chromosome supercoiling is controlled by enzymes called topoisomerases, mainly the TopA-type I topoisomerase, which relaxes DNA (generates positive supercoils), and gyrase, which in contrast introduces negative supercoils (6). Inhibiting topoisomerase activity or altering topoisomerase levels leads to changes in chromosome topology and affects DNA transactions, including replication and transcription. To date, studies on various bacterial species (*Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Streptomyces coelicolor*) have shown that disturbances in the topological balance affect the transcription of a significant fraction of so-called supercoiling-sensitive genes (7–13). The binding of NAPs also depends on chromosome topology, with NAPs in turn affecting the binding of other transcription factors (3, 14–18). However, little is known about the cross-talk between chromosome supercoiling and other regulatory systems controlling gene transcription, particularly in response to changes in environmental conditions. Soil-dwelling bacteria such as *Streptomyces* frequently encounter environmental stress. *Streptomyces* adaptations to the soil environment include their mycelial growth and complex developmental life cycle, which encompasses both spore formation and exploratory growth (19, 20). Vegetatively growing *Streptomyces* cells elongate and branch to generate a network of multicellular hyphae. In response to environmental stimuli, particularly nutrient depletion, sporulation is triggered. Sporulation starts with raising aerial hyphae, within which spore chains subsequently develop. The conversion of multigenomic hyphal cells to chains of unigenomic spores requires chromosome condensation and segregation, accompanied by synchronous septation (19, 21). The progression of the *Streptomyces* life cycle is governed by a set of well-described regulatory proteins (such as those encoded by the *whi* or *bld* genes) (22, 23); however, numerous reports indicate an abundance of less studied regulators and other proteins that also contribute to sporulation regulation (24–29). *Streptomyces* use a repertoire of biologically active secondary metabolites to thrive in their environmental niche, including numerous antibiotics (approximately 60% of natural antibiotics are *Streptomyces*-produced), immunosuppressants and cytostatics (30). The production of secondary metabolites remains under the control of complex regulatory networks and is coordinated with developmental programmes (31–34). As a free-living organism, *Streptomyces* respond to highly variable conditions using a large number of transcriptional regulators, many of which remain uncharacterized (31). The number of transcription factors encoded by streptomycete genomes ranges from 471 to 1101, and among these, depending on the species, there are 315 to 691 transcriptional regulators and 31 to 76 sigma factors (26). In comparison to other bacterial genera, *Streptomyces* genomes also encode numerous TCSs, the number of which varies depending on the species, ranging from 59 and 117, alongside 13-21 orphan response regulators and 17-39 unpaired/uncharacterized sensor kinases (35–37). As in other bacteria, chromosome topology plays a critical role in the regulation of gene expression in *Streptomyces*. In contrast to many bacteria, the model *Streptomyces* species *S. coelicolor* possesses only one topoisomerase, the type I TopA, which is essential for viability (38). TopA depletion in *Streptomyces* results in increased DNA supercoiling and altered gene expression, leading to severe growth retardation and sporulation blockage (38, 39). Moreover, disturbances in global DNA supercoiling affect the transcription of up to 7% of *Streptomyces* genes (12). Numerous supercoiling-sensitive genes are grouped into discrete clusters, with one cluster in particular, named SHC (supercoiling hypersensitive cluster), exhibiting extreme DNA supercoiling sensitivity. This region encodes many proteins of unassigned function but also appears to include a two-component system, anti-sigma factors and probable transcriptional regulators. Interestingly, most of the SHC genes are poorly transcribed under standard conditions but are upregulated in response to increased DNA supercoiling (12). Having established that altered DNA supercoiling significantly impacts transcription in *S. coelicolor*, we predicted that altered gene expression may contribute to the sporulation inhibition observed for TopA-depleted strain. To identify the genes responsible for sporulation and growth inhibition under high supercoiling conditions, we performed random transposon mutagenesis of the TopA-depleted *S. coelicolor* strain, and screened for strains with mutations that suppressed the sporulation blockage associated with high DNA supercoiling. We found that mutations in genes encoding a two-component system named SatKR (SCO3390-89) led to altered transcription of the SHC cluster. We established that the activated response regulator SatR (SCO3389) inhibited growth and sporulation by inducing transcription of SHC genes independently of high DNA supercoiling. Moreover, we confirmed that mutations within SHC prevented the activation of genes within this region and restored growth and sporulation to the TopA-depleted strain. Thus, our results reveal a unique interplay between the two-component system SatKR and chromosome supercoiling in regulating SHC gene expression, with the SHC products subsequently impacting *S. coelicolor* growth and sporulation. ## MATERIALS AND METHODS ### Bacterial strains, plasmids and growth conditions Basic DNA manipulations were performed according to standard protocols (40). Unless otherwise stated, all enzymes and isolation kits were supplied by Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA, US) and NEB (Ipswitch, MA, US). Bacterial media and antibiotics were purchased from DIFCO Laboratories (Detroit, MI, US) and Carl Roth (Karlsruhe, Germany), respectively. The *S. coelicolor* strains used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 1. Strain construction details are provided in the Supplementary information. The growth conditions, antibiotic concentrations and *S. coelicolor* conjugation procedure were used as described by Kieser et al. (41). To restore TopA levels in the TopA-controlled strain (PS04) (during growth analysis and spore sensitivity assay) the growth medium was supplemented with 1 µg/ml thiostrepton (42). During conjugation with the PS04 strain thiostrepton concentrations of 5 µg/ml were used, unless otherwise stated (it was earlier shown that induction with thiostrepton at concentration higher than 2 µg/ml increase TopA levels only slightly above the wild type). For growth rate analyses, *S. coelicolor* cultures were inoculated with spores diluted to OD600 0.01/ml in 79 medium. To determine the growth rate, cultures were grown for 48-55 hours in microplates in a final volume of 300 μl using a Bioscreen C instrument (Oy Growth Curves Ab Ltd., Helsinki, Finland), with optical density (OD600) measurements being taken at 20-minute intervals. To analyse *Streptomyces* differentiation, strains were plated on solid MS-agar medium and were cultured for 3-7 days. ### Transposon mutagenesis Random transposon mutagenesis was performed on the TopA-controlled strain (PS04) using the synthetic *Himar1* transposon (3276 bp in length, containing a spectinomycin resistance gene (*aadA*(*1*) and R6Kγ *ori* flanked with ITRs (inverted terminal repeats) (43). Exconjugants were selected using hygromycin and spectinomycin, in addition to 0.2 µg/ml thiostrepton, to limit transposase induction but increase TopA level. Spores of exconjugants were collected and inoculated into liquid cultures with thiostrepton (0.2 µg/ml); these were cultivated at 39°C overnight to eliminate the pHSM plasmid. The mutant library was then spread for single colonies (to obtain at least 16,000 mutants) on MS-agar plates supplemented with spectinomycin but no thiostrepton (the PS04 strain has a “white phenotype” under these conditions), and grey colonies were screened for. The transposon insertion sites in the selected transposon library clones were identified using a rescue plasmid approach (43). In the MGHM5 strain (PS04 *sco3390*::*Himar1*, *sco2474*::*Himar1*) insertion sites were additionally confirmed by whole-genome sequencing (Genomed, Warsaw, Poland). ### Supercoiling reporter plasmid isolation The pWHM3Hyg plasmid, which served as a probe of the DNA supercoiling state in vivo, was isolated according to a previously described procedure (42) from *S. coelicolor* strains (MGHM5_RP, MS10 and MS11 – derivatives of analysed mutants modified by pWHM3Hyg introduction), where these strains were cultivated in liquid 79 medium for 24 hours at 30°C. The isolated plasmid DNA was resolved on a 0.8% agarose gel with 2.32 μg/ml chloroquine in TAE buffer. To visualize topoisomers, the gel was stained with ethidium bromide. The topoisomer distribution was analysed using ImageJ Software. ### RNA-Seq and data analysis For the RNA-seq experiments, RNA was isolated from *S. coelicolor* mycelia obtained from 18-hour cultures in 30 ml YEME/TSB liquid medium. The mycelia were collected by centrifugation, frozen and stored at −70°C for subsequent RNA isolation. RNA was isolated using the procedure described previously by Moody et al. (43), after which the preparations were subjected to digestion with TURBO DNase I (Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, US) and checked using PCR to ensure the samples were free of chromosomal DNA contamination. Strand-specific cDNA libraries with an average fragment size of 250 bp were constructed, and sequenced using a MiSeq kit (Illumina, San Diego, CA, US) at the Farncombe Metagenomics Facility at McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada). Paired-end 76-bp reads were subsequently mapped against the *S. coelicolor* chromosome using Rockhopper software (44), achieving 1.0-1.5*106 successfully aligned reads per sample. For data visualization, Integrated Genomics Viewer (IGV) software was used (45, 46). The analysis of differentially regulated genes was based on the data generated by Rockhopper software. To calculate the fold change in gene transcription, the normalized gene expression in the control strain (WT or PS04) was divided by the normalized gene expression under particular experimental conditions, delivering information on the fold change, and subsequently, the log2 value of the fold change was calculated. The genes with a q-value (Rockhopper adjusted p-value) greater than or equal to 0.01 and a log2 of the fold change in the range from −1.5 to 1.5 were rejected from the subsequent analysis as not significant. Volcano plots were prepared using R Studio software and the EnhancedVolcano package (R package version 1.10.0, []( ### RT-qPCR For RT-qPCR analyses, RNA was isolated from *S. coelicolor* mycelia obtained from 24-hour cultures growing in 5 ml liquid 79 medium. Transcription was arrested by adding “STOP solution” (95% EtOH v/v, 5% phenol v/v) (47), and mycelia were harvested by centrifugation and frozen at −80°C. Total RNA was isolated using TRI-Reagent® (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO, US) according to the manufacturer’s procedure. Homogenization was performed in a FastPrep-24™ instrument (MP Biomedicals, Irvine, CA, US) (6 m/s, 2 cycles × 45 s). After centrifugation, RNA was isolated by chloroform extraction, purified on a column (Total Mini RNA, AA Biotechnology, Gdańsk, Poland) and eluted with 50 µl of ultrapure water. The isolated RNA was digested with TURBO DNase (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions at 37°C for 30 minutes. Then, RNA was purified and concentrated using a CleanUp RNA Concentrator (AA Biotechnology) and eluted with 17 µl of ultrapure water. Five hundred nanograms of RNA were used for cDNA synthesis using a Maxima First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) in a final volume of 20 μl. The original manufacturer’s protocol was modified for GC-rich transcripts by increasing the temperature of the first strand synthesis to 65°C and elongation time up to 30 minutes. Subsequently, the obtained cDNA was diluted 5 times and used directly for quantitative PCRs performed with PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Waltham, MA, US). The relative level of a particular transcript was quantified using the comparative ΔΔCt method, and the *hrdB* gene was used as the endogenous control (StepOne Plus real-time PCR system, Applied Biosystems). The sequences of optimized oligonucleotides used in this study are listed in Supplementary Table 2). ### Microscopic analyses For analysis of spore formation, the tested strains were inoculated at the acute-angled junctions of coverslips inserted at 45° into minimal medium agar plates supplemented with 1% mannitol and cultured for 53 hours to ensure sporulation of all mutant strains. Sporulation of the TopA-controlled (PS04) strain was induced by the addition of 1 µg/ml thiostrepton. Coverslips were fixed with methanol and then mounted using 50% glycerol solution in PBS. DNA was stained with a 2 μg/ml DAPI solution (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR, US). Microscopic analyses were performed using a Leica microscope (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) with phase contrast imaging. Images were analysed using ImageJ software. The statistical analysis of spore length was performed using R Studio (RStudio Team (2020). RStudio: Integrated Development Environment for R. RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA, US) and the Student’s t-test for paired samples. ### Spore sensitivity assay To test spore viability, *S. coelicolor* strains were cultured on MS-agar plates for 5 days. Next, the spores were collected and incubated in 5% SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) solution for 1.5 hours, washed twice with ultrapure water and resuspended in 0.5 ml of water. Next, serial dilutions were spread on MS agar plates to obtain single colonies. Subsequently, the number of colonies grown after SDS treatment was compared with the negative control (spores of the same strain collected and incubated in water). Spore viability was calculated as a ratio of the number of colonies obtained for spores treated and untreated with SDS. ## RESULTS ### Screening for suppressors of supercoiling-induced sporulation blockage TopA is the only type I *S. coelicolor* topoisomerase, and consequently is essential for viability. Its depletion in the TopA-controlled strain (PS04, in which the *topA* gene expression is under the control of the thiostrepton-inducible promoter *tipA,* allowing for an up to 20-fold depletion of TopA levels) leads to increased negative DNA supercoiling (38). Elevated negative DNA supercoiling in turn results in changes in global gene expression and affects the growth rate, sporulation and secondary metabolism of *S. coelicolor* (12, 38). During differentiation of wild-type *S. coelicolor,* white sporogenic (aerial) hyphae mature into chains of grey spores; in contrast, the development of a TopA-depleted strain is inhibited at the aerial hyphal stage, resulting in a “white colony phenotype”. We speculated that inhibition of aerial hyphae maturation may result from changes in the expression of supercoiling-sensitive genes encoding sporulation regulators (12). To identify any such sporulation regulators, we searched for transposon mutations that were able to suppress the TopA depletion phenotype and restore sporulation (grey colonies). To ensure that the transposon insertion frequency was sufficient to cover all 7,825 predicted *S. coelicolor* genes (48), we aimed to obtain a mutant library containing approximately 16,000 clones. Having obtained the representative transposon library (PS04-Tnlib), we searched for mutants that formed grey colonies under TopA-depleted conditions. We identified seven transposants exhibiting this phenotype, and among them, one transposant, termed MGHM5, additionally exhibited a partially restored growth rate upon TopA depletion (with effective depletion being confirmed by Western blotting and RT-qPCR, Fig. S1), both on solid and in liquid media, when compared with its TopA-depleted parental strain (Fig. 1A and 1B). Unlike the TopA-depleted parental strain, which overproduced blue actinorhodin, the TopA-depleted transposon strain did not produce either of the pigmented antibiotics made by *S. coelicolor* (blue actinorhodin or red undecylprodigiosin) (Fig. 1A). Microscopic analysis of spores produced by the TopA-depleted transposon strain confirmed the presence of spore chains, although these were detectable only after prolonged incubation (approximately 53 hours, in comparison to the 48 hours needed to sporulate in the wild-type strain); spore chains could not be detected in the TopA-depleted parental strain (Fig. 1C). Interestingly, the spores produced by the TopA-depleted transposon strain were of varying sizes compared with the wild-type strain and the parental strain in which the TopA level was restored to that of the wild-type strain (PS04, 1 µg/ml thiostrepton). Moreover, spores produced by the TopA-depleted transposon strain were highly sensitive to 5% SDS: only 2.5% survived 1 hour of SDS exposure compared with the 76% spore survival of the same strain with restored TopA levels (Fig. 1D). ![Fig. 1.]( [Fig. 1.]( Fig. 1. Phenotype of the TopA-depleted transposon strain MGHM5 (Tn TopA↓) **A**. Growth of the TopA-depleted transposon strain (Tn TopA↓) on solid MS agar (upper panel) and antibiotic production in R2 liquid medium (lower panel) compared with wild-type (WT) and TopA-depleted PS04 (TopA↓) strains. The cultures were grown for 72 hours. **B**. Growth curves of the TopA-depleted transposon strain (Tn TopA↓) in liquid 79 medium compared with wild-type (WT) and TopA-depleted PS04 (TopA↓) strain growth. The growth rate was measured in triplicate using a Bioscreen C instrument for 48 hours. **C**. Spores produced by the TopA-depleted transposon strain (Tn TopA↓). Top panel: Phase contrast microscopy images demonstrating representative spore chains of the TopA-depleted transposon strain (Tn TopA↓) and its parental strain PS04 with restored TopA levels (induced with 1 µg/ml thiostrepton) and the wild-type strain (WT) after 53 hours of growth in MM minimal medium (with 1% mannitol). Lower panel: spore size distribution. Asterisks indicate the significance of the p-value (p < 0.05) when comparing mean spore sizes. **D.** Viability of spores of the TopA-depleted transposon strain (Tn TopA↓) after SDS treatment compared with the wild-type strain (WT), PS04 with restored TopA levels and transposon strain (Tn) with TopA level restored. Spores were collected and incubated for 1 hour in 5% SDS at room temperature. The viability percentage was calculated as a ratio of the colony number grown from spores treated and untreated with disrupting agent. **E**. DNA supercoiling of the reporter plasmids pWHM3Hyg or pWHM3Spec isolated from the wild-type strain derivative MS10 (WT), TopA-depleted strain derivative MS11 (TopA↓) and TopA-depleted transposon strain derivative (MGHM5_RP, Tn TopA↓) cultured for 24 hours in liquid 79 medium. The distribution of the reporter plasmid topoisomers was analysed by agarose gel electrophoresis. Black vertical lines indicate the most abundant topoisomers. Next, we tested whether the increased growth rate and sporulation of the TopA-depleted transposon strain resulted from a restoration of wild type-levels of chromosome supercoiling. To achieve this goal, we isolated a supercoiling reporter plasmid (pWHM3Hyg) from a derivative of the TopA-depleted transposon strain (MGHM5_RP) and established that its negative supercoiling level was similarly high to that of plasmid isolated from the parental TopA-depleted strain derivative, indicating similar chromosome supercoiling (Fig. 1E). Thus, we successfully identified a transposon mutant in which sporulation and growth rate defects of the parental TopA-depleted strain were restored to wild type levels, and the observed phenotypic effect did not result from restored negative supercoiling. ### Transposon insertion in two-component system-encoding genes influences the expression of a supercoiling-sensitive cluster We mapped the transposon insertion loci in the MGHM5 strain (by sequencing rescue plasmids and genome sequencing), identifying two transposons: one in *sco3390* and one in *sco2474*. In both cases, the orientation of the *aadA*(*1*) gene within the transposon cassette was the same as that of the disrupted gene. In the first locus (*sco3390*), the transposon cassette was inserted 292 nucleotides downstream of the start codon (Fig. 2). The *sco3390* gene (1206 bp length) was annotated as encoding a putative two-component system kinase, while the genes downstream of this, in a presumable operon, were annotated as encoding a probable cognate response regulator (*sco3389*) and TrmB-like protein (*sco3388*) (49, 50). The second transposition site was located 1020 nucleotides downstream of the start codon of the *sco2474* gene (1644 bp in length), which encodes a putative secreted metalloproteinase (Fig. S2A). Importantly, previously performed RNA-seq analysis (12) showed that while the *sco3388-3390* genes were transcribed during *S. coelicolor* vegetative growth in a supercoiling-insensitive manner (Fig. 3A, left panel), the *sco2474* gene was not expressed during vegetative growth, either in normal or in high DNA supercoiling conditions (i.e. in the TopA-depleted PS04 strain) (Fig. S2B). Moreover, *sco2475,* located downstream of the disrupted gene, was transcribed in the transposon strain, and its expression was not changed due to transposition, suggesting a lack of polar effects associated with this transposon insertion (Fig. S2B). Since *sco2474* was not expressed under any tested conditions, and we knew that transposition in MGHM5 affected not only sporulation but also the vegetative growth rate, we excluded the disruption of *sco2474* as a reason for the restored growth of the TopA-depleted transposon strain and focused our attention on the *sco3390* gene/operon. Transposon insertion in the kinase-encoding *sco3390* gene was expected to affect the level of expression of the downstream response regulator-encoding *sco3389* gene. ![Fig. 2.]( [Fig. 2.]( Fig. 2. Position of the Himar1 transposon insertion site in the MGHM5 strain. The green triangle shows the insertion site within the *sco3390* gene with the orientation of the inserted *aadA*(*1*) gene. *ori*-origin of replication. ![Fig. 3.]( [Fig. 3.]( Fig. 3. Transcriptional changes in the TopA-depleted transposon mutant MGHM5 (Tn TopA↓) compared with its TopA-depleted parental strain (PS04) and wild-type strain. **A.** Normalized transcription level of *sco3390-sco3388* genes in the TopA depleted transposon strain (Tn TopA↓), transposon strain with TopA level restored (Tn TopA restored), its parental TopA-depleted PS04 strain (TopA↓) and in the wild type (WT), based on RNA-seq (left panel) and the relative transcription level analysed by RT-qPCR (right panel). Asterisks in the RNA-seq analysis indicate statistical significance of the q-value and log2(fold) (q<=0.01 and 1.5