QPot: An R Package for Stochastic Differential Equation Quasi-Potential Analysis ================================================================================ * Christopher M. Moore * Christopher R. Stieha * Ben C. Nolting * Maria K. Cameron * Karen C. Abbott ## Abstract **QPot** (pronounced ![Graphic][1]) is an R package for analyzing two-dimensional systems of stochastic differential equations. It provides users with a wide range of tools to simulate, analyze, and visualize the dynamics of these systems. One of **QPot**’s key features is the computation of the quasi-potential, an important tool for studying stochastic systems. Quasi-potentials are particularly useful for comparing the relative stabilities of equilibria in systems with alternative stable states. This paper describes **QPot**’s primary functions, and explains how quasi-potentials can yield insights about the dynamics of stochastic systems. Three worked examples guide users through the application of **QPot**’s functions. ## Introduction Differential equations are an important modeling tool in virtually every scientific discipline. Most differential equation models are deterministic, meaning that they provide a set of rules for how variables change over time, and no randomness comes into play. Reality, of course, is filled with random events (i.e., noise or stochasticity). Unfortunately, many of the analytic techniques developed for deterministic ordinary differential equations are insufficient to study stochastic systems, where phenomena like noise-induced transitions between alternative stable states and metastability can occur. For systems subject to stochasticity, the quasi-potential is a tool that yields information about properties such as the expected time to escape a basin of attraction, the expected frequency of transitions between basins, and the stationary probability distribution. **QPot** (abbreviation of **Q**uasi-**P**otential) is an R package that allows users to calculate quasi-potentials, and this paper is a guided tutorial of its application. Key functions View this table: [Table1](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/T1) ## Adding stochasticity to deterministic models Consider a differential equation model of the form ![Formula][2] In many cases, state variables are subject to continual random perturbations, which are commonly modeled as white noise processes. To incorporate these random influences, the original system of deterministic differential equations can be transformed into a system of stochastic differential equations: ![Formula][3] *X* and *Y* are now stochastic processes (a change emphasized through the use of capitalization); this means that, at every time *t*, *X*(*t*) and *Y*(*t*) are random variables, as opposed to real numbers. *σ* ≥ 0 is a parameter specifying the noise intensity, and W1 and W2 are Wiener processes. A Wiener process is a special type of continuous-time stochastic process whose changes over non-overlapping time intervals, Δ*t*1 and Δ*t*2, are independent Gaussian random variables with mean zero and variances ![Graphic][4] and ![Graphic][5], respectively. The differential notation in equations (2) is a formal way of representing a set of stochastic integral equations, which must be used because realizations of Wiener processes are not differentiable (to be precise, with probability one, a realization of a Wiener process will be almost nowhere differentiable). The functions *f*1 and *f*2 are called the deterministic skeleton. The deterministic skeleton can be viewed as a vector field that determines the dynamics of trajectories in the absence of stochastic effects. We will forgo a complete overview of stochastic differential equations here; interested readers are encouraged to seek out texts like Allen (2007) and Iacus (2009). We note, however, that throughout this paper we use the Itô formulation of stochastic differential equations. ## The quasi-potential Consider system (2), with deterministic skeleton (1). If there exists a function *V* (*x, y*) such that ![Graphic][6] and ![Graphic][7], then system (1) is called a gradient system and *V* (*x, y*) is called the system’s potential function. The dynamics of a gradient system can be visualized by considering the (*x*, *y*)-coordinates of a ball rolling on a surface specified by *z* = *V*(*x, y*). Gravity causes the ball to roll downhill, and stable equilibria correspond to the bottoms of the surface’s valleys. *V* (*x, y*) is a Lyapunov function for the system, which means that if (*x*(*t*), *y*(*t*)) is a solution to the system of equations (1), then ![Graphic][8], and the only places that ![Graphic][9] are at equilibria. This means that the ball’s elevation will monotonically decrease, and will only be constant if the ball is at an equilibrium. The basin of attraction of a stable equilibrium **e*** of system (1) is the set of points that lie on solutions that asymptotically approach **e***. The potential function is useful for understanding the stochastic system (2). As in the deterministic case, the dynamics of the stochastic system can be represented by a ball rolling on the surface *z* = *V* (*x, y*)*;* in the stochastic system, however, the ball experiences random perturbations due to the noise terms in system (2). In systems with multiple stable equilibria, these random perturbations can cause a trajectory to move between different basins of attraction. The depth of the potential (that is, the difference in *V* at the equilibrium and the lowest point on the boundary of its basin of attraction), is a useful measure of the stability of the equilibrium (see Nolting and Abbott, Accepted). The deeper the potential, the less likely it will be for stochastic perturbations to cause an escape from the basin of attraction. This relationship between the potential and the expected time to escape from a basin of attraction can be made precise (formulae in the appendices of Nolting and Abbott, Accepted). Similarly, the potential function is directly related to the expected frequency of transitions between different basins, and to the stationary probability distribution of system (2). Unfortunately, gradient systems are very special, and a generic system of the form (1) will almost certainly not be a gradient system. That is, there will be no function *V* (*x, y*) that satisfies ![Graphic][10] and ![Graphic][11]. Fortunately, quasi-potential functions generalize the concept of a potential function for use in non-gradient systems. The quasi-potential, Φ(*x*, *y*), of a non-gradient system will possess many of the important properties that potential functions have in gradient systems. The surface *z* = Φ(*x*, *y*) describes the system’s dynamics, and the depth of the surface is a highly useful stability metric. Analogous to the potential described above, Φ(*x*, *y*) is directly related to the the stationary probability distribution, the expected frequency of transitions between basins of attraction, and the expected time required to escape each basin. In both this paper and in **QPot**, the function that we refer to as the quasi-potential is ![Graphic][12] times the quasi-potential as defined by Freidlin and Wentzell (Freidlin and Wentzell, 2012). This choice is made so that the quasi-potential will agree with the potential in gradient systems. **QPot** is an R package that contains tools for calculating and analyzing quasi-potentials. The following three examples show how to use the tools in this package. The first example is a simple consumer-resource model from ecology. This example is explained in detail, starting with the analysis of the deterministic skeleton, proceeding with simulation of the stochastic system, and finally demonstrating the calculation, analysis, and interpretation of the quasi-potential. The second and third examples are covered in less detail, but illustrate some special system behaviors. Systems with limit cycles, like example 2, require a slightly different procedure than systems that only have point attractors. Extra care must be taken constructing global quasi-potentials for exotic systems, like example 3. For more information about quasi-potentials, see Cameron (2012), Nolting and Abbott (Accepted), and the references therein. ## Example 1: A consumer-resource model with alternative stable states Consider the stochastic version (*sensu* (2)) of a standard consumer-resource model of plankton (*X*) and their consumers (*Y*) (Collie and Spencer, 1994; Steele and Henderson, 1981): ![Formula][13] The model is formulated with a Type III functional response, meaning that the highest per-capita consumption rate of plankton occurs at intermediate plankton densities. *α* is the plankton’s maximum population growth rate, *β* is the plankton carrying capacity, *δ* is the maximal feeding rate of the consumers, *γ* is the conversion rate of plankton to consumer, and *μ* is the consumer mortality rate. We will analyze this example with a set of parameter values that yield two stables states: *α =* 1.54, *β =* 10.14, *γ =* 0.476, *δ* = 1, *κ =* 1, and *μ =* 0.112509. ### Step 1: Analyzing the deterministic skeleton There are preexisting tools in R for analyzing the deterministic skeleton of system (3), which will be described briefly in this subsection. The first step is to find the equilibria for the system and determine their stability with linear stability analysis. Equilibria can be found using the package **rootSolve** (Soetaert and Herman, 2008). In example 1, the equilibria are **e***u*1 = (0,0), **e***s*1 = (1.4049, 2.8081), **e***u*2 = (4.2008, 4.0039), **e***u*2 = (4.9040, 4.0619), and **e***u*3 = (10.14, 0). The package **deSolve** (Soetaert et al., 2010) can find the eigenvalues of the linearized system at an equilibrium, which determines the asymptotic stability of the system. **e***u*1 is an unstable source and **e***u*2 and **e***u*3 are saddles. The eigenvalues corresponding to **e***s*1 are −0.047 ± 0.548 *i* and the eigenvalues corresponding to **e***u*2 are −0.377 and −0.093. Hence **e***s*1 is a stable spiral point and **e***s*2 is a stable node. To ease transition from packages such as **deSolve** to our package **QPot**, we include the wrapper function Model2String(), which takes a function containing equations and a list of parameters and their values, and returns the equations in a string that is usable by **QPot**. The package **phaseR** (Grayling, 2014) generates a stream plot of the deterministic skeleton of the system of equations (3) (Figure 1). Further, **deSolve** can be used to find solutions corresponding to particular initial conditions of the deterministic skeleton of system (3). During the analysis of the deterministic skeleton of a system, it is important to note several things. The first is the range of *x* and *y* values over which relevant dynamics occur. In example 1, transitions between the stable equilibria are a primary point of interest, so one might wish to focus on a region like the one displayed in Figure 1, even though this region excludes **e***u*3. The ranges of the variables will determine the window sizes and ranges used later in the quasi-potential calculations. Second, it is important to note if there are any limit cycles. If there are, it will be necessary to identify a point on the limit cycle. This can be accomplished by calculating a long-time solution of the system of ODEs to obtain a trajectory that settles down on the limit cycle (see example 2). Finally, it is important to note regions of phase space that correspond to unbounded solutions. As explained in subsequent sections, it is worth examining system behavior in negative phase space, even in cases where negative quantities lack physical meaning. ![Figure 1:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F1) Figure 1: A stream plot of the deterministic skeleton of system (3). The blue line is an *x*-nullcline (where ![Graphic][14]) and the red line is a *y*-nullcline (where ![Graphic][15]). Open circles are unstable equilibria and filled circles are stable equilibria. Made using the package **phaseR.** ### Step 2: Stochastic simulation For a specified level of noise intensity, *σ*, one can obtain a realization of system (3). To do this, TSTraj() in **QPot** implements the Euler-Maruyama method. All other code/function references hereafter are found in **QPot**, unless specified otherwise. To generate a realization, the following arguments are required: the right-hand side of the deterministic skeleton for both equations, the initial conditions (*x*, *y*), the parameter values, the step-size Δ*t*, and the total time length *T*. var.eqn.x <- “(alpha\*x)\*(1-(x/beta)) - ((delta*(x^2)*y)/(kappa+(x^2)))” var.eqn.y <- “((gamma*(x^2)*y)/(kappa+(x^2))) - mu*(y^2)” model.state <- c(x = 1, y = 2) model.parms <- c(alpha = 1.54, beta = 10.14, delta = 1, gamma = 0.476, kappa =1, mu = 0.112509) model.sigma <- 0.05 model.time <- 1000 # we used 12500 in the figures model.deltat <- 0.025 ts.ex1 <- TSTraj(y0 = model.state, time = model.time, deltat = model.deltat, x.rhs = var.eqn.x, y.rhs = var.eqn.y, parms = model.parms, sigma = model.sigma) Figure 2 shows a realization for *σ =* 0.05, Δ*t* = 0.025, *T =* 1.25 × 104, and initial condition (*x*, *y*) = (1, 2). The argument dim = 1 produces a time series plot with optional histogram side-plot. The dim = 2 produces a plot of a realization in (*x, y*)-space. If the system is ergodic, a very long realization will approximate the steady-state probability distribution. Motivated by this, a probability density function can be approximated from a long realization using the TSDensity() function (e.g., Figure 3). ![Figure 2:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F2.medium.gif) [Figure 2:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F2) Figure 2: **(a)** A realization of system (3) created using TSPlot(), with *x* in blue and *y* in red. The left side of (a) shows the time series. The right side of (a), which is enabled with the default dens = T, shows a histogram of the *x* and *y* values over the entire realization. **(b)** The realization plotted in (*x, y*)-space with dim = 2. ![Figure 3:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F3.medium.gif) [Figure 3:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F3) Figure 3: A density plot obtained from a realization of system (3). Red corresponds to high density, and blue to low density. Plotted using the function TSDensity() with dim = 2. TSPlot(ts.ex1, deltat = model.deltat)                       # Figure 2a TSPlot(ts.ex1, deltat = model.deltat, dim =2)          # Figure 2a TSDensity(ts.ex1, dim =1)                      # like Figure 2a histogram TSDensity(ts.ex1, dim =2)                                 # Figure 3 Bounds can be placed on the state variables in all of the functions described in this subsection. For example, it might be desirable to set 0 as the minimum size of a biological population, because negative population densities are not physically meaningful. A lower bound can be imposed on the functions described in this subsection with the argument lower. bound in the function TRTraj(). Similarly, it might be desirable to set an upper bound for realizations, and hence prevent runaway trajectories (unbounded population densities are also not physically meaningful). An upper bound can be imposed on the functions described in this subsection with the argument upper.bound. ### Step 3: Local quasi-potential calculation The next step is to compute a local quasi-potential for each attractor. Because **QPot** deals with two-dimensional systems, “attractor” will be used synonymously with “stable equilibrium” “or stable limit cycle”. A limit cycle will be considered in example 2. For now, suppose that the only attractors are stable equilibrium points, **e***s*i, *i =* 1, &, *n*. In the example above, *n =* 2. For each stable equilibrium **e***si*, we will compute a local quasi-potential Φ*i*(*x, y*). In order to understand the local quasi-potential, it is useful consider the analogy of a particle traveling according to system (2). In the context of example 1, the coordinates of the particle correspond to population densities, and the particle’s path corresponds to how those population densities change over time. The deterministic skeleton of (2) can be visualized as a force field influencing the particle’s trajectory. Suppose that the particle moves along a path from a stable equilibrium **e***si* to a point (*x, y*). If this path does not coincide with a solution of the deterministic skeleton, then the stochastic terms must be doing some “work” to move the particle along the path. The more work that is required, the less likely it is for the path to be a realization of system (2). Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) is the amount of work required to traverse the easiest path from **e***si* to (*x, y*). Note that Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) is non-negative, and it is zero at **e***s*i. In the basin of attraction for **e***si*, Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) has many properties analogous to the potential function for gradient systems. Key among these properties is that the quasi-potential is non-increasing along deterministic trajectories. This means that the quasi-potential can be interpreted as a type of energy surface, and the rolling ball metaphor is still valid. The difference is that, in non-gradient systems, there is an additional component to the vector field that causes trajectories to circulate around level sets of the energy surface. This is discussed in more detail in Step 6, below. **QPot** calculates quasi-potentials using an adjustment developed by Cameron (2012) to the ordered upwind algorithm (Sethian and Vladimirsky, 2001, 2003). The idea behind the algorithm is to calculate Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) in ascending order, starting with the known point **e***si*. The result is an expanding area where the solution is known. Calculating Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) with the function QPotential() requires a text string of the equations and parameter values, the stable equilibrium points, the computation domain, and the mesh size. For (3), this first means inputting the equations: ![Formula][16] In R: equation.x = “1.54\*x\*(1.0-(x/10.14))-(y\*x\*x)/(1.0+x*x)” equation.y = “((0.476\*x\*x\*y)/(1+x\*x))-0.112590\*y\*y” The coordinates of the points **e***si*, which were determined in Step 1, are **e***s*1 = (1.4049, 2.8081) and **e***s*2 = (4.9040, 4.0619). eq1.x = 1.40491 eq1.y = 2.80808 eq2.x = 4.9040 eq2.y = 4.06187 Next, the boundaries of the computational domain need to be entered. This domain will be denoted by [L*x*1, L*x*2] × [L*y*1, *Ly*2]. The ordered-upwind method terminates when the solved area encounters a boundary of this domain. Thus, it is important to choose boundaries carefully. For example, if **e***si* lies on one of the coordinate axes, one should not use that axis as a boundary because the algorithm will immediately terminate. Instead, one should add padding space. This is important even if the padding space corresponds to physically unrealistic values (e.g., negative population densities). For this example, a good choice of boundaries is: L*x*1 = L*y*1 = −0.5, and *Lx*2 *= Ly*2 *=* 20. This choice of domain was obtained by examining stream plots of the deterministic skeleton and density plots of stochastic realizations (Figures 1–3). The domain contains all of the deterministic skeleton equilibria, and it encompasses a large area around the regions of phase space visited by stochastic trajectories (Figures 1–3). Note that a small padding space was added to the left and bottom sides of the domain, so that the coordinate axes are not the domain boundaries. bounds.x = c(-0.5, 20.0) bounds.y = c(-0.5, 20.0) In some cases, it may be desirable to treat boundaries differently in the upwind algorithm. This is addressed below in the section “Boundary behavior”. Finally, the mesh size for the discretization of the domain needs to be specified. Let *Nx* be the number of grid points in the *x*-direction and *Ny* be the number of grid points in the *y*-direction. Note that the horizontal distance between mesh points is ![Graphic][17], and the vertical distance between mesh points is ![Graphic][18]. Mesh points are considered adjacent if their Euclidean distance is less than or equal to ![Graphic][19]. This means that diagonal mesh points are considered adjacent. In this example, a good choice is *Nx = Ny =* 4100. This means that *hx = hy =* 0.005, and *h* ≈ 0.00707. In general, the best choice of mesh size will be a compromise between resolution and computational time. The mesh size must be fine enough to precisely track how information moves outward along characteristics from the initial point. Too fine of a mesh size can lead to very long computational times, though. The way that computation time scales with grid size depends on the system under consideration (see below for computation time for this example), because the algorithm ends when it reaches a boundary, which could occur before the algorithm has exhaustively searched the entire mesh area. step.number.x = 1000 # we used 4100 in the figures step.number.y = 1000 # we used 4100 in the figures The “anisotropy ratio” is another adjustable parameter for the algorithm, defined by k.x and k.y in QPotential(). For more on this, see Cameron (2012). For now, we suggest using the defaults *Kx =* 20 and *Ky =* 20. The R interface implements the QPotential() algorithm using C code. By default QPotential() outputs a matrix that contains the quasi-potentials to the R session. The time required to compute the quasi-potential will depend on the size of the region and the fineness of the mesh. This example with *Kx = Ky =* 20 and *Nx = Ny =* 4100 has approximately 1.7 × 107 grid points, which leads to run times of approximately 2.25 min (2.5 GHz Intel Core i5 processor and 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory). When one reaches around 5 × 108, computational time can be several hours. Setting the argument save.to.R to TRUE outputs the matrix into the R session, and setting the argument save.to.HD to TRUE saves the matrix to the hard drive as the file filename in the current working directory. For *Nx = Ny =* 4100, the saved file occupies 185 MB. eq1.local <- QPotential(x.rhs = equation.x, x.start = eq1.x, x.bound = bounds.x, x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.rhs = equation.y, y.start = eq1.y, y.bound = bounds.y, y.num.steps = step.number.y) Step 3 should be repeated until local quasi-potentials Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) have been obtained for each **e***si*. In example 1, this means calculating Φ1(*x*, *y*) corresponding to **e***s*1 and Φ2(*x*, *y*) corresponding to **e***s*2. eq2.local <- QPotential(x.rhs = equation.x, x.start = eq2.x, x.bound = bounds.x, x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.rhs = equation.y, y.start = eq2.y, y.bound = bounds.y, y.num.steps = step.number.y) Each local quasi-potential Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) is stored in R as a large matrix. The entries in this matrix are the values of Φ*i*, at each mesh point. To define the function on the entire domain (i.e., to allow it to be evaluated at arbitrary points in the domain, not just the discrete mesh points), bilinear interpolation is used. The values of Φ(*x*, *y*) can be extracted using the function QPInterp(). Inputs to QPInterp() include the (*x, y*) coordinates of interest, the (*x, y*) domain boundaries, and the QPotential() output (i.e., the matrix with rows corresponding to *x*-values and columns corresponding to *y*-values). QPInterp() can be used for any of the local quasi-potential or the global quasi-potential surfaces (see the next subsection). ### Step 4: Global quasi-potential calculation Recall that Φ*i*(*x*, *y*) is the amount of “work” required to travel from **e***si* to (*x, y*). This information is useful for considering dynamics in the basin of attraction of **e***si*. In many cases, however, it is desirable to define a global quasi-potential that describes the system’s dynamics over multiple basins of attraction. If a gradient system has multiple stable states, the potential function provides an energy surface description that is globally valid. We seek an analogous global function for non-gradient systems. Achieving this requires “pasting” local quasi-potentials into a single global quasi-potential. If the system has only two attractors, one can define a global quasi-potential, though, it might be nontrivial, see example 3 ahead. In systems with three or more attractors such a task might not be possible (Freidlin and Wentzell, 2012). For a wide variety of systems, however, a relatively simple algorithm can accomplish the pasting (Graham and Tél, 1986; Roy and Nauman, 1995). In most cases, the algorithm amounts to translating the local quasi-potentials up or down so that they agree at the saddle points that separate the basins of attraction. In example 1, **e***u*1 lies on the boundary of the basins of attraction for **e***s*1 and **e***s*2. Creating a global quasi-potential requires matching Φ1 and Φ2 at **e***u*2. Φ1(**e***u*2) = 0.007056 and Φ2(**e***u*2) = 0.00092975. If one defines ![Formula][20] then Φ1 and ![Graphic][21] match at **e***u*2. Finally, define ![Formula][22] which is the global quasi-potential. For systems with more than two stable equilibria, this process is generalized to match local quasi-potentials at appropriate saddles. QPot automates this procedure. A fuller description of the underlying algorithm is explained in example 3, which requires a more nuanced understanding of the pasting procedure. ex1.global <- QPGlobal(local.surfaces = list(eq1.local, eq2.local), unstable.eq.x = c(0, 4.2008), unstable.eq.y = c(0, 4.0039), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y) This function QPGlobal calculates the global quasi-potential by automatically pasting together the local quasi-potentials. This function requires the input of all the discretized local quasi-potentials, and the coordinates of all of the unstable equilibria. The output is a discretized version of the global quasi-potential. The length of time required for this computation will depend on the total number of mesh points; for the parameters used in example 1, it takes a couple of minutes. As with the local quasi-potentials, the values of Φ(*x*, *y*) can be extracted using the function QPInterp(). ### Step 5: Global quasi-potential visualization To visualize the global quasi-potential, one can simply take the global quasi-potential matrix from QPGlobal and use it to create a contour plot using QPContour() (Figure 4). ![Figure 4:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F4.medium.gif) [Figure 4:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F4) Figure 4: A contour plot of the of the quasi-potential of system (3). Yellow corresponds to low values of the quasi-potential, and purple to high values. c.parm in QPContour(), can be used to condense the contour lines at the bottom of the basins for better resolution. The default creates evenly spaced contour lines (left; c.parm = 1). On the right, contour lines are condensed (c.parm = 5). ![Figure 5:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F5.medium.gif) [Figure 5:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F5) Figure 5: A 3D plot of the of the quasi-potential of system (3) using persp3d() in package **rg1**. 3D plotting can further help users visualize the quasi-potential surfaces. QPContour(surface = ex1.global, dens = c(1000, 1000), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, c.parm = 5) # right side of Figure~\ref{fig:ex1qp} QPContour() is based on the .filled.contour() function from the base package **graphics**. In most cases, the mesh sizes used for the quasi-potential calculation will be much finer than what is required for useful visualization. The argument dens within QPContour() reduces the points used in the graphics generation. Although it might seem wasteful to perform the original calculations at a mesh size that is finer than the final visualization, this is not so. Choosing the mesh size in the original calculations to be very fine reduces the propagation of errors in the ordered upwind algorithm, and hence leads to a more accurate numerical solution. An additional option allows users to specify contour levels. R’s default for the contour() function creates contour lines that are equally spaced over the range of values specified by the user. In some cases, however, it is desirable to use a non-linear spacing for the contours. For example, equally-spaced contours will not capture the topography at the bottom of a basin if the changes in height are much smaller than other regions in the plot. Simply increasing the number of equally-spaced contour lines does not solve this problem, because steep areas of the plot become completely saturated with lines. QPContour() has a function for non-linear contour spacing that condenses contour lines at the bottoms of basins. Specifically, for *n* contour lines, this function generates a list of contour levels, ![Graphic][23], specified by: ![Formula][24] *c =* 1 yields evenly-spaced contours. As *c* increases, the contour lines become more concentrated near basin bottoms. Figure 4 shows equal contour lines (left panel) and contour lines that are concentrated at the bottom of the basin (right panel, c.parm = 5). Finally, creating a 3D plot can be very useful for visualizing the features of more complex surfaces. This is especially helpful when considering the physical metaphor of a ball rolling on a surface specified by a quasi-potential (Nolting and Abbott, Accepted). R has several packages for 3D plotting, including static plotting with the base function persp() and with the package **plot3D** (Soetaert, 2013). Interactive plotting is provided by **rg1** (Adler et al., 2015). To create an interactive 3D plot for example 1 using **rg1**, use the code: persp3d(x = ex1.global,col = “orange”). Figure shows a 3D plot of example 1 that clearly illustrates the differences between the two local basins. Users can also export the matrix of quasi-potential values and create 3D plots in other programs. ### Step 6: Vector field decomposition Recall that the deterministic skeleton (1) can be visualized as a vector field, as shown in Figure 1. In gradient systems, this vector field is completely determined by the potential function, *V*(*x, y*). The name “gradient system” refers to the fact that the vector field is the negative of the potential function’s gradient, ![Formula][25] In non-gradient systems, the vector field can no longer be represented solely in terms of the gradient of Φ(*x, y*). Instead, there is a remainder component of the vector field, ![Graphic][26]. The vector field can be decomposed into two terms: ![Formula][27] The remainder vector field is orthogonal to the gradient of the quasi-potential everywhere. That is, for every (*x*, *y*) in the domain, ![Formula][28] An explanation of this property can be found in Nolting and Abbott (Accepted). The remainder vector field can be interpreted as a force that causes trajectories to circulate around level sets of the quasi-potential. **QPot** enables users to perform this decomposition. The function VecDecomAll() calculates the vector field decomposition, and outputs three vector fields: the original deterministic skeleton, **f** (*x, y*); the gradient vector field, −∇Φ (*x, y*); and the remainder vector field, **r**(*x, y*). Each of these three vector fields can be output alone using VecDecomDS(), VecDecomGrad(), or VecDecomRem(). These vector fields can be visualized using the function VecDecomPlot(). Code to create the vector fields from VecDecomAll() is displayed below; code for generating individual vector fields can be found in help() for VecDecomDS(), VecDecomGrad(), or VecDecomRem(). The gradient and remainder vector fields are shown in the left and right columns of figure 6, respectively, with proportional vectors (top row) and equal-length vectors (bottom row). Three arguments within VecDecomPlot() are important to creating comprehensible plots: dens, tail.length, and head.length. dens specifies the number of arrows in the plot window along the *x* and *y* axes. The argument tail.length scales the length of arrow tails. The argument head.length scales the length of arrow heads. The function arrows() makes up the base of VecDecomPlot(), and arguments can be passed to it, as well as to plot. The code below produces all three vector fields from the multi-dimensional array returned by VecDecomAll(): ![Figure 6:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F6.medium.gif) [Figure 6:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F6) Figure 6: The gradient (left column) and remainder (right column) fields, plotted with arrow.type = “proportional” (top row) and arrow.type = “equal” (bottom row) arrow lengths using VecDecomPlot() for system (3). # Calculate all three vector fields VDAll <- VecDecomAll(surface = ex1.global, x.rhs = equation.x, y.rhs = equation.y, x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y) # Plot the deterministic skeleton vector field VecDecomPlot(field = list(VDAll[,,1], VDAll[,,2]), dens = c(25, 25), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, x.lim = c(0, 11), y.lim = c(0, 6), arrow.type = “equal”, tail.length = 0.25, head.length = 0.025) # Plot the gradient vector field VecDecomPlot(field = list(VDAll[,,3], VDAll[,,4]), dens = c(25, 25), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, arrow.type = “proportional”, tail.length = 0.25, head.length = 0.025) # Plot the remainder vector field VecDecomPlot(field = list(VDAll[,,5], VDAll[,,6]), dens = c(25, 25), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, arrow.type = “proportional”, tail.length = 0.35, head.length = 0.025) ## Example 2: A model with a limit cycle Consider the following model: ![Formula][29] We will analyze this example with *μ =* 0.2, *α =* 4, and *β =* 5. ### Step 1: Analyzing the deterministic skeleton The deterministic skeleton of this system has one equilibrium, **e** = (4, 5), which is an unstable spiral point. Figure 7 shows a stream plot of the deterministic skeleton of system (4). A particular solution of the deterministic skeleton of system (4) can be found using **rootSolve** and **deSolve**. The stream plot and a few particular solutions suggest that there is a stable limit cycle. To calculate the limit cycle, once can find a particular solution over a long time interval (e.g., Figure 7 has three trajectories run for *T =* 100). The solution will eventually converge to the limit cycle. One can drop the early part of the trajectory until only the closed loop of the limit cycle remains. There are more elegant ways to numerically find a periodic orbit (even when those orbits are unstable). For more information on these methods, see Chua and Parker (1989). In this example, the limit cycle is shown by the thick black line in Figure 7. For calculation of the quasi-potential, it is sufficient to input a single point that lies on the limit cycle. For this example, one such point is **z** = (4.15611, 5.98774). ![Figure 7:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F7.medium.gif) [Figure 7:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F7) Figure 7: A stream plot of the deterministic skeleton of system (4). The blue line is an *x*-nullcline (where ![Graphic][30]) and the red line is a *y*-nullcline (where ![Graphic][31]). The open circle is an unstable equilibrium. Particular solutions are shown as black lines, with filled circles as initial conditions. Made using the package **phaseR**. ### Step 2: Stochastic simulation Figure 8 shows a time series for a realization of (4) with *σ =* 0.1, Δ*t =* 5 × 10−3, *T* = 250 and initial condition (*x*, *y*) = (3, 3). Figure 9 shows a density plot of a realization with the same parameters, except *T* = 2.5 × 103. ![Figure 8:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F8.medium.gif) [Figure 8:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F8) Figure 8: **(a)** A realization of system (4) created using TSPlot(), with x in blue and y in red. The left side of (a) shows the time series. The right side of (a), which is enabled with the default dens = TRUE, shows a histogram of the *x* and *y* values over the entire realization. **(b)** The realization plotted in (*x, y*)-space (dim = 2 in the function TSPlot()). ![Figure 9:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F9.medium.gif) [Figure 9:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F9) Figure 9: A density plot obtained from a realization of system (4) using TSDensity() with dim = 2. Red corresponds to high density, and blue to low density. var.eqn.x <- “-(y-beta) + mu\*(x-alpha)\*(1-(x-alpha)^2-(y-beta)^2)” var.eqn.y <- “(x-alpha) + mu\*(y-beta)\*(1-(x-alpha)^2-(y-beta)^2)” model.state <- c(x = 3, y = 3) model.parms <- c(alpha = 4, beta = 5, mu = 0.2) model.sigma <-0.1 model.time <- 1000 # we used 2500 in the figures model.deltat <- 0.005 ts.ex2 <- TSTraj(y0 = model.state, time = model.time, deltat = model.deltat, x.rhs = var.eqn.x, y.rhs = var.eqn.y, parms = model.parms, sigma = model.sigma) TSPlot(ts.ex2, deltat = model.deltat)                       # Figure 8a TSPlot(ts.ex2, deltat = model.deltat, dim = 2, line.alpha = 25)                # Figure 8b TSDensity(ts.ex2, dim =1)            # Histogram TSDensity(ts.ex2, dim =2)            # Figure 9 ### Step 3: Local quasi-potential calculation In this example, there are no stable equilibrium points. There is one stable limit cycle, and this can be used to obtain a local quasi-potential. Using **z** as the initial point for the ordered-upwind algorithm and L*x*1 = −0.5, *Ly*1 = −0.5, L*x*2 = 7.5, *Ly*2 = 7.5, *Nx* = 4000, and *Ny* = 4000, one obtains a local quasi-potential, Φz(*x, y*). This generates the local quasi-potential Φz(*x, y*). eqn.x <- “-(y-5) + (0.2)\*(x-4)\*(1-(x-4)^2-(y-5)^2)” eqn.y <- “(x-4) + (0.2)\*(y-5)\*(1-(x-4)^2-(y-5)^2)” eq1.qp <- QPotential(x.rhs = eqn.x, x.start = 4.15611, x.bound = c(-0.5, 7.5), x.num.steps = 4000, y.rhs = eqn.y, y.start = 5.98774, y.bound = c(-0.5, 7.5), y.num.steps = 4000) ### Step 4: Global quasi-potential calculation There is only one local quasi-potential in this example, so it is the global quasi-potential, Φ(*x, y*) =Φz(*x, y*). ### Step 5: Global quasi-potential visualization Figure 10 shows a contour plot of the global quasi-potential. ![Figure 10:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F10.medium.gif) [Figure 10:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F10) Figure 10: A contour plot of the of the quasi-potential of system (4) using QPContour(). Yellow corresponds to low values of the quasi-potential, and purple to high values. QPContour(eq1.qp, dens = c(1000, 1000), x.bound = c(-0.5, 7.5), y.bound = c(-0.5, 7.5), c.parm = 10) ## Example 3: More complicated local quasi-potential pasting In example 1, the procedure for pasting local quasi-potentials together into global quasi-potential was a simple, two-step process. First, one of the local quasi-potentials was translated so that the two surfaces agreed at the saddle point separating the two basins of attraction. Second, the global quasi-potential was obtained by taking the minimum of the two surfaces at each point. A general algorithm for pasting local quasi-potentials, as explained in Graham and Tél (1986) and Roy and Nauman (1995), is slightly more complicated. This process is automated in QPGlobal, but it is worth understanding the process in order to correctly interpret the outputs. To understand the full algorithm, consider the following model: ![Formula][32] For this analysis, let *α*1 = 1.25 and *α*2 = 2. ### Step 1: Analyzing the deterministic skeleton The deterministic skeleton of this system has five equilibria. These are **e***u*1 = (0,0), **e***s*1 = (0, −1.73205), **e***s*2 = (0, 1.73205), **e***u*2 = (−1.5, 0) and **e***u*3 = (1.5, 0). The eigenvalue analysis shows that **e***u*1 is an unstable node, **e***s*1 and **e***s*2 are stable nodes, **e***u*2 and **e***u*3 are saddles. Figure 11 shows a stream plot of the deterministic skeleton of (5). The basin of attraction for **e***s*1 is the lower half-plane, and the basin of attraction for **e***s*2 is the upper half-plane. ![Figure 11:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F11.medium.gif) [Figure 11:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F11) Figure 11: A stream plot of the deterministic skeleton of system (5). The blue line is an *x*-nullcline (where ![Graphic][33]) and the red line is a *y*-nullcline (where ![Graphic][34]). Open circles are stable equilibria and filled circles are unstable equilibria. Made using the package **phaseR**. ### Step 2: Stochastic simulation Figure 12 shows a time series for a realization of system (5) with *σ =* 0.8, Δ*t* = 0.01, *T* = 5000 and initial condition (*x*, *y*) = (0.5, 0.5). Figure 13 shows a density plot of this realization. ![Figure 12:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F12.medium.gif) [Figure 12:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F12) Figure 12: **(a)** A realization of system (5) created using TSPlot(), with *x* in blue and *y* in red. The left side in panel (a) shows the time series. The right side in panel (a), which is enabled by default with parameter dens = T in the function TSPlot(), shows a histogram of the *x* and *y* values over the entire realization. **(b)** The realization plotted in (*x, y*)-space with TSPlot() with dim = 2. ![Figure 13:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F13.medium.gif) [Figure 13:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F13) Figure 13: A density plot obtained from a realization of system (5) by using the function TSDensity() with dim = 2, contour.levels = 20, and contour.lwd = 0.1. Red corresponds to high density, and blue to low density. var.eqn.x <- “x\*((1+alpha1)-x\*x-x\*y-y\*y)” var.eqn.y <- “y\*((1+alpha2)-x\*x-x\*y-y\*y)” model.state <- c(x = 0.5, y = 0.5) model.parms <- c(alpha1 = 1.25, alpha2 = 2) model.sigma <- 0.8 model.time <- 5000 model.deltat <- 0.01 ts.ex3 <- TSTraj(y0 = model.state, time = model.time, deltat = model.deltat, x.rhs = var.eqn.x, y.rhs = var.eqn.y, parms = model.parms, sigma = model.sigma) TSPlot(ts.ex3, deltat = model.deltat)                                             # figure 12a TSPlot(ts.ex3, deltat = model.deltat, dim = 2, line.alpha = 25)         # figure 12b TSDensity(ts.ex3, dim =1)                                             # Histogram of time series TSDensity(ts.ex3, dim = 2, contour.levels = 20, contour.lwd = 0.1) # figure 13 ### Step 3: Local quasi-potential calculation Two local quasi-potentials need to be calculated, Φ1(*x, y*) corresponding to **e***s*1, and Φ2(*x*, *y*) corresponding to **e***s*2. In both cases, sensible boundary and mesh choices are L*x*1 = −3, L*y*1 = −3, *Lx*2 = 3, *Ly*2 = 3, *Nx* = 6000, and *Ny* = 6000. equation.x = “x\*((1+1.25)-x\*x-x\*y-y\*y)” equation.y = “y\*((1+2)-x\*x-x\*y-y\*y)” bounds.x = c(-3, 3) bounds.y = c(-3, 3) step.number.x = 6000 step.number.y = 6000 eq1.x = 0 eq1.y = -1.73205 eq2.x = 0 eq2.y = 1.73205 eq1.local <- QPotential(x.rhs = equation.x, x.start = eq1.x, x.bound = bounds.x, x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.rhs = equation.y, y.start = eq1.y, y.bound = bounds.y, y.num.steps = step.number.y) eq2.local <- QPotential(x.rhs = equation.x, x.start = eq2.x, x.bound = bounds.x, x.num.steps = step.number.x, y.rhs = equation.y, y.start = eq2.y, y.bound = bounds.y, y.num.steps = step.number.y) ### Step 4: Global quasi-potential If one were to naively try to match the local quasi-potentials at **e***u*2, then they would not match at **e***u*3, and vice versa. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to think more carefully about how trajectories transition between basins of attraction. This issue can be dealt with rigorously (Graham and Tél, 1986; Roy and Nauman, 1995), but the general principles are outlined here. Let Ω1 be the basin of attraction corresponding to **e***s*1 and Ω2 be the basin of attraction corresponding to **e***s*2. Let ∂Ω be the separatrix between these two basins (i.e., the *x*-axis). The most probable way for a trajectory to transition from Ω1 to Ω2 involves passing through the lowest point on the surface specified by Φ1 along ∂Ω. Examination of Φ1 indicates that this point is **e***u*2. In the small-noise limit, the transition rate from Ω1 to Ω2 will correspond to Φ1 (**e***u*2). Similarly, the transition rate from Ω2 to Ω1 will correspond to Φ2 (**e***u*3). The transition rate into Ω1 must equal the transition rate out of Ω2. Therefore, the two local quasi-potentials should be translated so that the minimum heights along the separatrix are the same. In other words, one must define translated local quasi-potentials ![Graphic][35] and ![Graphic][36] so that ![Formula][37] In example 1, the minima of both local quasi-potentials occurred at the same point, so the algorithm amounted to matching at that point. In example 3, the minimum saddle for Φ1 is **e***u*2 and the minimum saddle for Φ2 is **e***u*3; the heights of the surfaces at these respective points should be matched. Thus, *c*1 = Φ2(*eu*3) − Φ1(*eu*2) and *c*2 = Φ1(*eu*2) − Φ2(*eu*2). Conveniently in example 3, this is satisfied without requiring any translation (one can use *c*1 = *c*2 = 0). Finally, the global quasi-potential is found by taking the minimum value of the matched local quasi-potentials at each point. This process is automated in **QPot**, but users can also manipulate the local quasi-potential matrices manually to verify the results. This is recommended when dealing with unusual or complicated separatrices. The code below applies the automated global quasi-potential calculation to example 3. ex3.global <- QPGlobal(local.surfaces = list(eq1.local, eq2.local),unstable.eq.x = c(0, -1.5, 1.5), unstable.eq.y = c(0, 0, 0), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y) ### Step 5: Global quasi-potential visualization Figure 14 shows a contour plot of the global quasi-potential. Note that the surface is continuous, but not smooth. The lack of smoothness is a generic feature of global quasi-potentials created from pasting local quasi-potentials. Cusps usually form when switching from the part of solution obtained from one local quasi-potential to the other. ![Figure 14:](http://biorxiv.org/https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2015/10/23/029777/F14.medium.gif) [Figure 14:](http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2015/10/23/029777/F14) Figure 14: A contour plot of the quasi-potential of system (5) using the function QPContour(). Yellow corresponds to low values of the quasi-potential, and purple to high values. QPContour(ex3.global, dens = c(1000, 1000), x.bound = bounds.x, y.bound = bounds.y, c.parm = 5) ## Boundary behavior It is important to consider the type of behavior that should be enforced at the boundaries and on coordinate axes (*x* = 0 and *y* = 0). By default, the ordered-upwind method computes the quasipotential for the system defined by the user, without regard for the influence of the boundaries or the significance of these axes. In some cases, however, a model is only valid in a subregion of phase space. For example, in many population models, only the non-negative phase space is physically meaningful. In such cases, it is undesirable to allow the ordered-upwind method to consider trajectories that pass through negative phase space. In the default mode for QPotential(), if (*x, y*) lies in positive phase space, Φ(*x, y*) can be impacted by the vector field in negative phase space, if the path corresponding to the minimum “work” passes through negative phase space. The argument bounce = ‘d’ corresponds to this (d)efault behavior. A user can prevent the ordered upwind method from passing trajectories through negative phase space by using the option bounce = ‘p’ for (p)ositive values only. This option can be interpreted as a reflecting boundary condition. It forces the front of solutions obtained by the ordered upwind method to stay in the defined boundaries, in this case the positive phase space. A more generic option is bounce = ‘b’ for (b)ounce, which reflects based on the user-supplied boundaries. Even using this option, it is still wise to have padding space along coordinate boundaries to prevent premature termination of the algorithm, which is set with bounce.edge. ## Different noise terms In the cases considered so far, the noise terms for the *X* and *Y* variables have had identical intensity. This was useful for purposes of illustration in the algorithm, but it will often be untrue of real-world systems. Fortunately, **QPot** can accomodate other noise terms with coordinate transforms. Consider a system of the form: ![Formula][38] *σ* is a scaling parameter that specifies the overall noise intensity. The parameters *g*1 and *g*2 specify the relative intensity of the two noise terms. To transform this system into a form that is useable for **QPot**, make the change of variable ![Graphic][39] and ![Graphic][40]. In the new coordinates, the drift terms (that is, the terms multiplied by *dt*), will be different. These new drift terms can be incorporated into the deterministic skeleton that is input into **QPot**. After obtaining the global quasi-potential for these transformed coordinates, one can switch back to the original coordinates for plotting. Many models contain multiplicative noise terms. These are of the form: ![Formula][41] To transform this system into a form that is useable for **QPot**, make the change of variable ![Graphic][42] and ![Graphic][43]. This coordinate change is non-linear, so Itô’s lemma introduces extra terms into the drift of the transformed equations. If *σ* is small, though, these terms can be discounted, and the new drift terms will remain independent of *σ*. These new drift terms can be input into **QPot**. After obtaining the global quasi-potential for these transformed coordinates, one can switch back to the original coordinates. ## Conclusion **QPot** is an R package that provides several important tools for analyzing two-dimensional systems of stochastic differential equations. These include functions for generating realizations of the stochastic differential equations, and for analyzing and visualizing the results. A central component of **QPot** is the calculation of quasi-potential functions, which are highly useful for studying stochastic dynamics. For example, quasi-potential functions can be used to compare the stability of different attractors in stochastic systems, a task that traditional linear stability analysis is poorly suited for (Nolting and Abbott, Accepted). By offering an intuitive way to quantify attractor stability, quasi-potentials are poised to become an important means of understanding phenomena like metastability and alternative stable states. **QPot** makes quasi-potentials accessible to R users interested in applying this new framework. ## Author contributions K.C.A, C.M.M., B.C.N., and C.R.S. designed the project. M.K.C. wrote the C code for finding the quasi-potential; C.M.M. and C.R.S. wrote the R code and adapted the C code. ## Acknowledgements This work was supported by a Complex Systems Scholar grant to K.C.A. from the James S. McDonnell Foundation. M.K.C. was partially supported by NSF grant 1217118. * Received October 23, 2015. * Accepted October 23, 2015. * © 2015, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## Bibliography 1. D. Adler, D. Murdoch, O. 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